939 Sertifikat PTSL Masyarakat Desa Pasi Lamongan

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Xpose TV – 939 Sertifikat PTSL Masyarakat Desa Pasi Lamongan, Sebagai upaya trijuang percepatan penyelesaian urusan sertifikat hak atas tanah masyarakat Kabupaten Lamongan, Pemkab Lamongan bersama Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN) Lamongan dan pihak desa pelan-pelan membuahkan hasil nyata. Sebanyak 939 sertifikat tanah diserahkan kepada masyarakat Desa Pasi Kecamatan Glagah hasil program Pendaftaran Tanah Sistematis Lengkap (PTSL) 2021.

Bupati Lamongan Yuhronur Efendi secara langsung menyerahkan secara simbolis sertifikat tanah kepada masyarakat Desa Pasi Kecamatan Glagah langsung di Balai Desa setempat, Kamis (23/12).

Bacaan Lainnya

“Saya sangat senang dan merasa bangga, Bapak Ibu sedoyo telah memegang sertifikat tanahnya masing-masing. Dengan sertifikat itu hak atas tanah panjenengan sedoyo memiliki kepastian hukum. Semoga ini membawa berkah untuk semua,” tutur Bupati Yes dihadapan warga desa.



Selain memiliki kepastian hukum, lanjut Bupati Yes, dengan memiliki aset tak bergerak seperti sertifikat tanah, masyarakat memperoleh kemanfaatan besar, namun perlu pemanfaatan yang bijak sehingga dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup yang lebih baik.

Beliau juga sangat mengapresiasi masyarakat Lamongan atas respon cepat dan tanggapnya dalam pemenuhan segala bentuk administrasi selama proses pendaftaran sertifikat. Hal ini menurut Bupati Yes sangat mempengaruhi kecepatan dalam penyelesaikan PTSL.

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  1. Boeing and NASA decide to move forward with historic crewed launch of new spacecraft
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    After years of delays and a dizzying array of setbacks during test flights, Boeing’s Starliner spacecraft is finally set to make its inaugural crewed launch.

    The mission is on track to take off from Florida as soon as May 6, carrying NASA astronauts Suni Williams and Butch Wilmore to the International Space Station, marking what could be a historic and long-awaited victory for the beleaguered Starliner program.
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    “Design and development is hard — particularly with a human space vehicle,” said Mark Nappi, vice president and Starliner program manager at Boeing, during a Thursday news briefing. “There’s a number of things that were surprises along the way that we had to overcome. … It certainly made the team very, very strong. I’m very proud of how they’ve overcome every single issue that we’ve encountered and gotten us to this point.”

    Boeing and NASA officials made the decision Thursday to move forward with the launch attempt in less than two weeks. However, Ken Bowersox, associate administrator for NASA’s Space Operations Mission Directorate, noted that May 6 is “not a magical date.”
    “We’ll launch when we’re ready,” he said.

    If successful, the Starliner will join SpaceX’s Crew Dragon spacecraft in making routine trips to the space station, keeping the orbiting outpost fully staffed with astronauts from NASA and its partner space agencies.

    Such a scenario — with both Crew Dragon and Starliner flying regularly — is one for which the US space agency has long waited.

    “This is history in the making,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said of the upcoming Starliner mission during a March 22 news conference. “We’re now in the golden era of space exploration.”

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