Expressing Sympathy and Condolences, PPWI Makes a Courtesy Call to the Russian Embassy

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Expressing Sympathy and Condolences, PPWI Makes a Courtesy Call to the Russian Embassy

“On behalf of the Association of Indonesian Citizen Journalists, I express my sympathy, deep condolences for the humanitarian tragedy that occurred in Moscow recently. We strongly condemn the brutal and inhumane acts carried out by irresponsible parties. PPWI stands with the Russian people in responding to this heart-breaking incident,” said Wilson Lalengke to the Russian Ambassador, Madam Veronika Novoseltseva.

Another topic that emerged at the meeting was the very close relationship between Indonesia and Russia since the struggle era, continuing from the beginning of independence until now. “We hope that the good relations that have been built for almost a hundred years will not fade away and will even be stronger in the future,” said the Ambassador in very fluent Indonesian.

To develop good and closer relations, both parties agreed to organize several programs, such as publication and insemination of information from the Russian Embassy to the Indonesian people through PPWI Media Group and other networks. Also, PPWI will support the Embassy in screening documentary films related to Indonesia-Russia relations from time to time produced by the Russian Embassy.

Apart from that, PPWI together with Firsts Union will organize an Indonesian-Russian historical literacy program through various forms of activities such as writing competitions on the theme of relations between the two nations, exhibitions and arts-cultural performances, as well as participating in ceremonial events for the Russian Embassy and Consul General in Indonesia. Ambassador Madam Veronika Novoseltseva really appreciates and supports this kind of program in order to remind the next generation of the two nations about the good relations that have existed over the years.

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